We protect lives and property through fire prevention, fire suppression, rescue, emergency medical response, disaster management, and public information.
A message from Assistant Chief Colter Mohney
Columbia Walla Walla Fire District 2 (CWWFD2) is here to serve and protect the lives and property of the residents and visitors of the city of Waitsburg and the surrounding areas of both Columbia and Walla Walla County. We take this responsibility very seriously and take great pride in having a distinguished history of being a highly effective all-volunteer department. The department is made up of men and women of this district, your neighbors, who take time from their busy lives to serve the community.
Being a volunteer extends beyond responding to emergency calls, it also represents a significant commitment to attending scheduled training sessions and attaining needed certifications. It is a true honor to lead this group of committed individuals. Whether the call is for a structural or field/wild fire, an emergency medical situation or a car accident, please know that CWWFD2 is committed to providing the highest quality service possible.
CWWFD2 works closely with neighboring fire districts and departments to supplement our capabilities. While we are typically first to scene it is very common to have support from the adjoining departments located in Dayton, the City of Walla Walla or other Walla Walla County Fire Protection districts. We greatly appreciate their support and return the support whenever needed. We view these mutual support agreements integral to providing the best quality service possible.
Your support is essential to maintaining our capabilities. Please continue to support the EMS levies (a significant source of departmental funding), volunteer if you can or just thank one of our department members whenever you get a chance. A “thank you” goes a long way.
Statement of Core Values
We, the members of Columbia Walla Walla Fire District 2, are committed to the following values in our interactions with coworkers and public:
Professionalism – CWWFD2 exhibits professionalism through pride, passion and dedication with intense preparation toward mastery over all with which we are entrusted. This is evident in the execution of our job, our appearance, attitude and standards of conduct.
Health and Safety – CWWFD2 views member and public personal health and safety as paramount in fulfilling the mission of CWWFD2.
Integrity – CWWFD2 demonstrates honesty and fairness in all aspects of the department’s functions.
Compassion – CWWFD2 members demonstrate kindness and empathy
Accountability – CWWFD2 is accountable to our members, both paid and volunteer, and the community through responsible stewardship of our resources and ownership of our actions.
Personal Responsibility – CWWFD2 members take personal ownership to ensure that all required training and certifications are completed and currency is maintained.
Respect – CWWFD2 demonstrates respect for each other, the department, the city of Waitsburg, Walla Walla and Columbia Counties and the residents and visitors or our district.
Diversity – CWWFD2 is open-minded and responsive to the uniqueness of our community without regard to age, gender, religion or ethnic origin.